About the Brand

How to do a Volkswagen ad?

We start our work with a Topgear episode that they aim to make an ad for VW.

In one of the shots, there was an interesting guideline for making an ad for VW that emphasis on the important aspects of a VW ad. It reveals the image that VW aim to promote.
Here is the rules:
1. Look at the car
2. Look harder, You'll find enough advantages to fill a lot of ads like the air cooled engine, the economy, the design that never goes out of date.
3. Don't exaggerate, for instance, some people have gotten 50 m.p.g and more from a VW. But others have only managed 28. Average: 32 Don't promise more.
4. Call a spade a spade, and a suspension a suspension. Not something like "orbital cushioning"
5.Speak to the reader, Don't shout. He can hear you, especially if you talk serious.
6.Pencil sharp? You are on your own.

We find several VW ads on youtube that follow these guidlines.

...And also some print ads that has the same theme.

We decided to focus on a specific target group, Young couples in the upper middle class, age 25-35.
We are going to find their characteristic in the upcoming week.